Where do Program Manager earn the highest salaries?
The median salary for a Program Manager ranges from $54,825 in Detroit, Mi to $120,000 in San Jose, CA. Besides the location of employees, differences in salaries are often driven by factors such as years of experience, education, and industry.
City | 10th Percentile Salary | Median Salary | Average Salary | 90th Percentile Salary |
San Jose, CA | $71,656 | $120,000 | $125,148 | $206,448 |
Washington, DC | $51,800 | $100,000 | $118,466 | $207,443 |
San Francisco, CA | $65,000 | $90,000 | $105,371 | $189,400 |
Austin, TX | $50,000 | $85,000 | $87,230 | $145,000 |
Los Angeles, CA | $62,350 | $80,813 | $88,841 | $159,271 |
San Diego, CA | $64,480 | $77,000 | $97,199 | $171,600 |
New York, NY | $56,468 | $76,983 | $83,787 | $150,308 |
Miami, FL | $60,011 | $76,796 | $83,133 | $134,500 |
Common employee benefits for Program Managers in Austin, TX
It takes more than a paycheck to build an amazing team. In addition to a competitive base salary, offering benefits is a great way to attract and retain top Program Managers in Austin, TX. Build the right benefits package for your team with Gusto!
401(k) | Paid Time Off | Work From Home |
401(k) Matching | Paid Sick Time | Flexible Schedule |
Health insurance | Parental Leave | Commuter Benefits |
Dental Insurance | Professional Development | Life Insurance |
Gusto salary insights data is derived using Gusto’s real-time payroll data from over 400,000 small and medium-sized businesses across the country.