Marketing Strategy

Foundational Marketing for Growing Firms

Not sure what your marketing dollars are actually doing for you? Curious about whether to hire a marketing agency? Or just unsure of where to begin? In this live webinar, Caleb will interview Gusto’s Chief Revenue Officer, Tolithia, who’ll answer your questions.

Together, they’ll share foundational tips, a framework for measuring your marketing, and a simple plan for duplicating your happiest clients.

What you'll learn

Find more of your happiest clients

Your happiest clients may already know who your next best clients are. Interview them to build a “profile” of what to look for.

Learn to measure your marketing

Build lists you can export to Excel and run the numbers on. It’s safer, helps you learn, and puts your firm in control.

Enlist reliable help

Learn about easy opportunities within your hosting platform. Then, ask agencies how they would measure themselves, and politely hold them to it.

Meet Caleb & Tolithia

Our upcoming live session will feature insights from guest speaker Tolithia Kornweibel and Caleb Newquist

Tolithia Kornweibel, Chief Revenue Officer at Gusto

Tolithia leads Gusto’s revenue organization, which includes marketing and sales. She’s an expert in marketing technology, measurement, and growing your business.

Caleb Newquist,
Editor-at-Large at Gusto

Caleb is a former CPA and the brains behind Gusto’s 90,000-strong newsletter for accountants, On The Margins. With over a decade of running media publications, he knows how to attract eyeballs.