I recently co-hosted a webinar with Joshua Reeves, CEO and co-founder of Gusto (formerly ZenPayroll), on how to be more productive at work. In our webinar, we outlined five productivity tips to help run your business. And what is keeping us from being productive? Distractions.
When we hear the adage, “work harder, not smarter,” we often think of tools or methods to increase our productivity. There are many merits to utilizing technology, for example, to get more out of your work day. But don’t fall into the trap of “appearing” more productive. The problem is, with more screens than ever directed at our eyeballs, it’s easier and easier to think we’re working smarter, when in fact, we’re not.
The reality is, multitasking, pop-up notifications, and the like are ruining our concentration, making it harder to, as the saying goes, “work smarter.” My team at When I Work put together this infographic to help beat this trend and reclaim your creativity, your productivity, and your sanity.
For more productivity tips, you can watch a webinar I’ve recently hosted with Joshua Reeves, CEO and co-founder of Gusto.