Discover the best ways to showcase your firm with insights from this comprehensive marketing guide for accountants.

Marketing is complex and if you’re going to invest in it, you want to make sure you’re doing it right. That’s why we created this how-to guide, built by Gusto specifically for accountants.

Download the guide to learn:

  • How to build a marketing plan (and then execute on it!)
  • The right marketing channels to prioritize
  • The importance of branding your firm (and what that actually means)
  • When to phone a friend and bring in some backup from the experts
Caleb Newquist Caleb is Editor-at-Large at Gusto. In 2009, he became the founding editor of Going Concern, the one-of-a-kind voice on the accounting profession, serving in the role for 9 years. Prior to Going Concern, Caleb worked as a CPA for nearly 6 years in New York and Denver. He lives in Denver with his wife, two daughters, and two cats.
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