We are excited to launch co-branded sign-up pages for Gusto Silver and Gold partners. These pages are co-branded with your firm’s logo and provide your clients an easy way to learn more and sign-up for Gusto.
We have emailed the link to your firm’s unique page to the firm admins listed on your account. Please reach out to your partner advisor if you have not received your firm’s unique link.

Any clients that sign-up on your page will automatically appear on your firm’s Partner Dashboard and the firm admin will receive an email alerting that a new company has been created.
By default, clients that sign up on this page will be set to client billing and revenue share with the primary firm admin being listed as a payroll admin.
If you need to make any changes to billing or client access, simply log in to your partner dashboard and make changes on the Billing and Firm Directory tabs. You can add or change your firm’s logo under the Firm Details tab.