Gusto is proud to be founding member of the Modern Economy Project (MEP), a broad coalition of stakeholders focused on bipartisan policy solutions that promote economic opportunity for all through support of modern jobs, modern employers, and a modern government. MEP is dedicated to updating the antiquated conversation in Washington, which is too often reduced to outdated posturing and political talking points. Our goal is to more accurately reflect the realities of our modern economy, with input from employees, employers, and policymakers. 

For more information click here.

A screenshot of the Modern Economy Project website.
Steve Abbott is the Head of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Gusto. In his role, he leads a cross functional team that designs and executes a public policy strategy that advocates for a robust ecosystem for small business formation and growth, and promotes employee financial health and wellness. Prior to Gusto, Steve spent 10 years at the Pew Charitable Trusts leading government relations for projects focused on promoting family economic stability. Steve also has experience working for Congress and was a consultant to Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations advising them on public policy. Steve holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Denison University and an MBA from the University of Maryland.
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